Becoming more employable to potential companies upon your graduation starts as soon as you begin your studies here at Kent Institute Australia. Although there are many services and programs open to students throughout their time studying, sometimes you need to push yourself to get the most out of your studying abroad experience. Improving your employability gives you the best chance of gaining employment in your area of study. So, how can you improve your employability here at Kent?
- Join the LEAD Program: It has been well documented just how beneficial the LEAD program can be in terms of boosting your employability. The program has been designed to give students a good platform to build experience and skills to better suit them once they join the corporate workforce.
- Work on your Communication: Potential employers judge you on first appearances. If your cover letter or resume is poorly written, chances are you won’t be getting a chance in the job interview. Work on your style of writing in not only class and assignments, but also when you write emails or social media posts.
- Be Open to Change: Everybody has to start somewhere. Sometimes graduate opportunities are not the most glamorous, but experience is experience. Be open to roles that can provide solid career experience, even if it isn’t in the industry you had your heart set on.
- Search for Work Experience: Gaining work experience in a corporate environment will do wonders for your resume. While studying, it’s prudent to search employment websites to see if any companies are offering work experience or internships on a part time basis.
- Network: Social media is great for expanding your professional and personal network connections. At Kent, you can make lasting friends with people from all over the globe who can also act as a great network base upon graduation.
Gaining a competitive advantage while studying will put you in good stead to stand out from the crowd when it comes to applying for graduate positions in the workforce. Potential employers will see how proactive you were to gain necessary experience while you studied, so the more you can achieve outside the classroom the better your chances are of impressing your future boss.
Good luck!