Event Tag: 5:17
Build Your Resilience
Resilience means how well we can handle uncertainty and difficulties whether in our personal lives or in our career. It is a particularly important quality to help us manage modern life. In addtion, employers look for people who show high levels of resilience to a changing work environment. Come along and find out how […]
Improve Your Workplace Skills
There are many skills we need for the workplace. It’s not just the technical knowledge and skills we need but ‘soft’ skills – like team working, effective communication, emotional intelligence, networking, leadership and many more. Come along find out how to develop your workplace skills so you can stand out from the crowd! LEAD POINTS: […]
Your Personal Success
Have you throught about what makes people successful? Find out what habits successful people have and how this can help you in your study, your career and your life. Come along and give your personal success the attention it deserves! LEAD POINTS: 20