Event Tag: Online via Zoom
Object-Oriented Design and Programming Java Workshop 1: Variables, Memory Allocation, Input/Output functions, Decision Structure
Come learn and develop more about Object-Oriented Design and Programing Variables, Memory Allocation, Input/Output functions and Decision Structures from our friendly IT Lecturers!
Mobile App Development
Object-Oriented Design and Programming Java Workshop 2: Loop Structure, Arrays, Modular Programming; Assignment Preparation
Come learn and develop more about Object-Oriented Design and Programing Loop Structure, Arrays, Modular Programming and Assignment Preparation from our friendly IT Lecturers!
Data Structure Workshop 1: Stacks, Queues, Elementary Sorts
Come learn and develop more about Data Structure Stacks, Queues and Elementary Sorts from our friendly IT Lecturers!
Object-Oriented Design and Programming Java Workshop 3: Classes and Objects, Data Encapsulation
Come learn and develop more about Object-Oriented Design and Programing Classes and Objects as well as Data Encapsulation from our friendly IT Lecturers!
Data Structure Workshop 2: Merge Sort, Quick Sort, Heap Sort
Come learn and develop more about Data Structure Merge Sort, Quick Sort and Heap Sort from our friendly IT Lecturers!
Object-Oriented Design and Programming Java Workshop 4: Inheritance and Polymorphism; Exam Preparation
Come learn and develop more about Object-Oriented Design and Programing Inhertiance and Polymorphism as well as Exam Preparation from our friendly IT Lecturers!
Data Structure Workshop 3: Binary Search Trees, Balanced Trees
Come learn and develop more about Data Structure Binary Search Trees and Balanced Trees from our friendly IT Lecturers!
Data Structure Workshop 4: Hash Tables, String Sorts
Come learn and develop more about Data Structure Hash Tables and String Sorts from our friendly IT Lecturers!