Events at Sydney Campus

What does success mean to you? Is it work/life balance; being able to travel; helping others; being healthy; having a fulfilling job; being financially secure; being content? Come and explore what is important to you and how this can help you in your study, your career and your life. LEAD POINTS: 10

Student Mentor – Question Time Not sure where to find information? Do you have questions about studying? Want to know how to get more out of your studies? What support is available at Kent? Roberto is a 3rd year student who has been a Student Mentor for 3 trimesters. He has a lot of experience […]

Not just about getting your CV and cover letter done! Although that too. This is everything to do with personal development and helping you on your career path. Using the Careers Service portal and talking with Susanne, you can learn about motivation, emotional intelligence, team-working, do personality tests, practice interviews, find your strengths, watch videos […]

Reports are a key writing assessment in higher education, and they are very different to other forms of writing such as essays. This workshop will highlight the structure, format and language of reports. LEAD POINTS: 10

Relaxation is an important part of life. It helps us manage stressful situations and enjoy life. Mindfulness is a skill we can develop to relax our body and mind. Mindfulness focuses on our breathing and can help us: Improve our concentration Be more focussed Reduce stress Manage difficult situations and emotions Come along and find […]

Student Mentor – Question Time Not sure where to find information? Do you have questions about studying? Want to know how to get more out of your studies? What support is available at Kent? Roberto is a 3rd year student who has been a Student Mentor for 3 trimesters. He has a lot of experience […]

Kent is hosting a Bookface challenge in celebration of the Library and Information week from 20-26 May 2019. Deadline of entries is  on 22 May  5pm.  Email  the snap shot of your bookface photo  to and get the chance to win a surprise gift for your creativity!  Awarding of winner is on 23 May, […]