Be Heard. Be Recognised.

2022 SRG Members
President: Monica Aguila
Sydney Team
- Vice President: Dinesh Adhikari
- General Secretary: Manish Chudhary
- Communications Liaison: Priza Adhikari
- Engagement Liaison: Isha Dangol
Melbourne Team
- Vice President: Asif Mehmood
- General Secretary: Pracess Adhikari
- Communications Liaison: Smriti Shrestha
- Engagement Liaison: Roshani K C
What is the role of the SRG?
The primary role and objective of the SRG is to enable an elected group of students to represent the student body and to conduct an effective group meeting structure to ensure the student body is adequately represented and recognised to:
- Enhance the advancement of student life, quality education and student participation.
- Contribute to maintaining and enhancing student life in all the relevant aspects such as academic and social areas.
- Mediate the gap between the students and management.
- Actively model an inclusive environment, ensuring that students from all cultural groups are recognised and have the opportunity for formal representation.
- Improve transparency through consistent communication with Kent students.
- Encourage and support active participation of all students in community engagement.
Contact Information
Contact the SRG for more information: