Events at Sydney Campus

Starting a higher education course can be daunting, especially if you are unfamiliar with the expectations of tertiary-level assignments. This workshop will give you the necessary tools to be more confident when beginning your first assignment. LEAD POINTS 10

Plagiarism is a serious issue in academic institutions, yet students often do not understand what it is and how to avoid it. Similarly, referencing is an important element of academic writing yet it can be confusing for students. This workshop will give you a better understanding of how to avoid plagiarism and how to reference […]

Most people get stressed – or terrified! – at the thought of doing a presentation. Speaking to groups of people can be daunting. But whether it is here in your studies, as part of an interview or in the workplace, presentations are a big part of life. But good news! – presenting is a skill […]

We all have strengths and things we are good at, but we often focus on what we can’t do. Identifying our strengths not only helps us in job interviews and find fulfilling careers; it also increases our confidence, self-esteem and makes us feel happier. Come along and discover your strengths and find out what you […]

Mindfulness is a type of self-awareness training that can help us manage the stresses of daily life. These sessions focus on our breathing. Practising this can help us improve our decision-making, our emotional regulation and has great potential for physical and mental relaxation. The sessions are open to everyone, whether new to mindfulness or not. […]

Come and join us as we get to know the culture of different countries through their food! Grab your plate and experience a tasteful dish and drinks prepared by our Brazilian Students as they represent their own native cuisines. Interested to become the next Kent MasterChef? Inbox to calendar you next KMC presentation.

Speaking in front of an audience in an academic context can be nerve-racking, especially for new students. This workshop will help you plan and deliver a quality academic presentation. We will show you how to structure your presentation and how to use effective body language to sell your message. LEAD POINTS: 10

Essays are a key writing assessment in higher education, and it is very different to other forms of writing. Through examining sample essays and developing an essay plan, this workshop will help you write a high quality essay. LEAD POINTS: 10

Most people get stressed – or terrified! – at the thought of doing a presentation. Speaking to groups of people can be daunting. But whether it is here in your studies, as part of an interview or in the workplace, presentations are a big part of life. But good news! – presenting is a skill […]