Kent’s Melbourne Campus celebrated their first Multicultural Day on 25th May 2017. The theme was Unity and Diversity. Over 100 students attended wearing their colourful national costumes feeling very proud of their culture!
Prior to this big day there was excitement galore in the Campus on what to wear and what dish everyone should bring that represents their country. I too joined in helping students make decisions on their dishes!
I walked into the campus in the morning and could not recognise many of my students in their national attire! Each one looked so confident and shared their stories about their culture. Some of them looking like Bollywood heroes and heroines.
Room 906 was decorated with little national flags and balloons with festivities in ringing in the air. Tim our IT guru was developing a playlist of songs from all countries while Erika, Ryan, Kristin and Nolan were running around making last minute arrangements.
The staff were getting very excited and chipped in to help where we could. Food was heated ready to be served. It was a big surprise to see the number of dishes that was laid on the table….little did I realise that food and culture bonded very well! All the dishes were labelled with names and their ingredients. Each student proudly shared their experience of making their dish.
The lunch started with Sam our Student Representative Group (SRG) Vice President welcoming Campus Director Dr Andrew Podbury and Associate Dean Dr Pramila Gupta. He profusely thanked them for their wonderful support in helping to organise this great event. Upon finishing lunch Ryan, Erika and Kristin organised a quiz on Australian facts and lingo. Prizes were given to the winners. Well, I must admit I too learnt a few things about this beautiful country! The room was energized with so much fun and laughter blending all cultures together in a beautiful melting pot! Pictures and poses were taken along with tapping of shoes to the loud and vibrating music from Bollywood. For a few hours, I felt nostalgic about India and the songs of my era!
I walked home thinking what a wonderful effort it was on the part of Sam, Ryan, Kristin and Erika to organize this great event, which was a HUGE SUCCESS! Students have already started to plan the next event….SPORT. I felt it is such events that promote communal harmony and brings togetherness amongst our students, even in times of adversity!
Onwards and Upwards with Kent!
Revati Subramaniam (Rae)