Part 2 – Taking Control of Your Future
Renan Sigolo
Diploma of Website Development, Sydney Campus
Previously, I’d mentioned some personal experiences on how I’ve overcome my fears which has allowed me to take the first step towards a better future. I’d like to reinforce however, that there is no magic to success.
Having said that, let’s go through some tips that I’ve used on how you can get out of your comfort zone and be on your way to conquer the world, shall we?
Whether or not you believe in fate, one thing that we cannot deny it’s that life is packed with surprises and it can suddenly become a complete mess when you least expect.
Moreover, there are a few things that we have no control of, which will help you get a better understanding about the whole gist of it.
1. You cannot change the past (what’s done it’s done)
Once you grasp the fact that spending time and energy on trying to fix the past, actually affects your future potential, you will probably have a better appreciation of using the time in the present more wisely. Reminiscing your actions will take you nowhere.
2. Everything will change
By embracing that nothing is permanent in life, this might push you into making the most out of every situation, and by working on your resilience, we are able to take better advantage of the good moments.
Now that we’ve established those concepts, let’s get down to the nitty gritty on how to actually manage it.
The first thing that I’ve learnt is that you need to properly establish your own peaceful environment. It’s immensely challenging to put yourself out there when your mind is racing all over the place about things like, finding a suitable place to live or sorting a conflict with somebody. Trust me on this one, it will definitely hold your back! By practicing mindful exercises, I’ve been able to become more aware of my surroundings, to quickly respond to certain events with more accuracy.
Organise your life, set your priorities and find at least one thing that you want to pursue, even though this might change later. We always have to establish a goal; otherwise, all our efforts become pointless.
Now that you’re well settled and established, both in mental and physical environments, let’s act on the opportunities that are presented to us rather than succumbing to the fear of the unknown. If we endeavour to put ourselves out there by the best of your abilities success has to come, you fake it until you make it.
We are 7 billion people in the world and you only have one shot to make a difference, so make it happen and make it happen today, why wait to start on Monday something that you could have started yesterday? As a good friend of mine used to say…
‘Go Big or Go Home’
I bet that you didn’t travel all the way here to go back home with nothing to add, did you?
Don’t forget, we’re only limited by our imagination; therefore, if you want to know a little bit more and even practice some techniques that I’ve used along the way, come to our next event on May 22nd, all the details can be found here on the Kent Events page.